Tonight on BBC 1
6.00 Vanessa. It’s Great To Be Fat.
The overweight blonde bombshell Vanessa talks to women who think that Fat is
Beautiful, and begs people to let women look and dress in exactly the way that
they please.

7.00 Later Vanessa. Fat Slobs And Their
Suffering Wives. Vanessa asks why it is that so many men are too lazy to
exercise and too fat to appear in public.
7.30 Film. Shattered Dream. A young
woman brought up in a humble orphanage in Maryland travels to the Big Apple and
meets up with a handsome and dynamic politician who shatters her dreams in the
middle of sex when she discovers from the mole on his left testicle that he was
the very man who sexually assaulted her cute blind paraplegic little sister while on a
camping holiday in Texas.
8.30 A History of Rape. Biologist
Steven Rose, the feminist 'man' who made a career out of cutting up chicken
brains, talks about man’s natural propensity to rape throughout the ages. He
shows that rape probably first occurred on the planet round about the time of
the first proto-chicken, and suggests that the use of the word "cock"
to describe both the male chicken and the male organ is not unconnected with
this most alarming fact.

9.00 God’s Gift with Trisha. A show
for all the family. Watch, laugh and squeal with delight, as ugly, unintelligent
working class boys compete for the girls of their dreams by dangling their
penises into boiling hot liquids while the pretty girls gleefully mock and deride
them as they measure their shrunken blistering appendages with rulers.
9.30 Jackie and June. A new magazine
programme for young women. In today’s very first edition, the team looks at
how a really good and well-aimed Karate kick can squash a man’s testicles for
life, and how women in the workplace can now move much more quickly up the
career ladder by flirting with the boss and then whispering sweet nothings about
sexual harassment in his ear.
10.00 Legal View. Are our court
procedures too biased in favour of the defendant in sex cases? A panel of legal
experts looks at ways in which we might be able to increase the conviction rates
in cases involving sexual assault. In the UK, women will shortly NOT have to
answer any questions about the incident, and they will remain anonymous. But is
this enough? Bea Campbell argues that for true justice to take place, women
should be able to make their anonymous accusations by post, and that they should
not be required to give any further evidence beyond their signatures.
10.30 Men are Crap. A balanced view of the sexes with Kirsty Wark.
11.00 Modern Art. A look at how artists
from the past have failed to capture the essential beauty of all women. Tom
Paulin (poet and thinker) looks at the female nude through the eyes of the
Renaissance painter while alerting us to the unmistakable signs of misogynism in
the texture and colour of the paintwork.
12.00 Women and Philosophy. An Open
University Production. In today’s programme, Germaine Greer travels back in
time to Ancient Greece and uncovers conclusive evidence to show that Plato’s
handwriting was that of a woman. Together with Tom Paulin (poet and thinker) she
also analyses the work of Socrates and demonstrates how her own work has dwarfed
and superceded the writings of this misogynistic Greek.
12:30 Open University Resources: Short
Copyright-Free Video Programmes for Primary & Nursery School Teachers
Women in Science
Women in History
Women in Engineering
Women in Industry
Women in Shipping
Suffering Women
The Suffragettes
Women's Struggles
Women: The Struggle For The Vote
Why Are Men Such Bast*rds?
Struggling Women
Why Do Women Have To Struggle?
Struggling Without Success
Women's Woetry
Why Women Are The Superior Sex
Women Tank Commanders
Where Would We Be Without Women?
The Trouble with Boys
Why Are Boys Such Trouble?
Horrible Boys
How Women Won World Wars I & II
Who Needs Boys?
What Is The Point Of Boys?
Classroom Guidance
All programs are suitable for 2 to 7 year
Boys should be made to sit at the back of the
class, and when the programmes have finished the teacher and the girls should
turn round and point at the boys, wave their index fingers at them, and start
booing them.